“People are very open and willing to help – there’s a real family atmosphere here. It’s an exciting time to work at Innovatrics as the company is growing so fast and I’m part of a newly created product management team, with a lot of freedom in my new role. I can see already that Innovatrics has a culture of delivering the best technology possible and solving real problems on a global scale.”
“I’m from Banská Bystrica and I studied Automation at the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava. After graduating, my girlfriend and I decided that we’d like to try living in Ireland for a year or two. Little did he know at the time that we’d end up staying there for 12 years!”
Initially, Ján worked in a call centre, providing technical support for residential internet customers: “While the work wasn’t the most exciting, I have to credit it with rapidly improving my spoken English due to the variation of accents I encountered on a daily basis – for a small country, Ireland really does have a huge number of distinct accents!”
After a couple of months, an opportunity presented itself and Ján moved into IT recruiting with a small Irish company, who were soon to be taken over by a large corporate: “I decided to make the move into IT recruiting as my role in the call centre was temporary and this offered by better job security, as well as the opportunity to learn some new skills.”
“Everybody wants to work for Google. Apart from the obvious benefits such as free food, flexible working hours, and an onsite gym and swimming pool, I was really interested in working with people from a wide range of cultural backgrounds. As well as this, the atmosphere at Google is really friendly and there is excellent collaboration between people. After three-and-a-half years, I became a Product Analyst for internal HR tools, a role I remained in until deciding to move back to Slovakia with my young family in mid-2017”
“Ideally, I wanted to work for a small to medium company which is growing and has global products. I saw a vacancy for an IT consultant at Innovatrics and applied for the role, but specified that I didn’t want to travel internationally. I was surprised at how flexible Innovatrics were in accommodating me, so I went for an interview and they made me an offer. I did have offers from other companies but what swung it for Innovatrics was the opportunity to work in a rapidly growing company with flexible working times, home office, and a really great work-life balance, which, as someone with a young family, is really important to me.”
“Initially, I wasn’t really aware of how much time and effort Innovatrics invest on R&D for machine learning. Obviously, machine learning and artificial intelligence are major buzzwords at the moment, but I’ve had a keen interest in the topic since my early days at Google. As a relatively small company, the fact that Innovatrics has a dedicated R&D centre in Brno, who work on using machine learning to make their products better, was a major factor in me joining the company.”